On matters of Tax - WGC Tax has extensive experience with individuals - and with organisations of all sizes - from small businesses to large listed companies.
Regardless of the circumstances - WGC can help manage Tax affairs in a way that meets personal and/or business needs.
The provision of WGC assistance can include Tax Planning, explaining compliance - providing guidance on restructuring options - and advising on the ‘if’ and ‘how’ of consolidation. WGC will take the time to get to know the Clients goals. Together - WGC come up with the optimum Tax Strategy for a Clients unique situation.
For businesses WGC can:
Ensure Clients understand and meet Tax Compliance obligations
Plan Clients Tax in relation to specific transactions or activities
Guide Clients through mergers - acquisitions - restructures and the sale of a business
Advise on Tax Consolidation - whether to consolidate and the consequences of doing a Consolidation
For individuals WGC can:
Plan salary packaging
Guide you through high net worth ATO Reviews
Assist with International Taxation requirements
Address Tax Residency issues.
Whether Clients have a one-off Tax question or need ongoing support - WGC can provide expertise on Direct Taxes for both individuals and businesses.