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WGC Business Advisors Pty Ltd (WGC) has a strong commitment to the development of its Team Members and integrity in its business practices.


WGC is committed to providing Team Members with Training and Development that is relevant to Team Member work needs and encourages Team Members to explore better work practices.


WGC will provide Team Members adequate Training to doe their job safely and competently.WGC believes Training is a two-way process.WGC encourage Team Members to participate and to highlight any gaps in their own skills or knowledge they believe they possess.


Training includes Internal On-The-Job Training - Weekly CPE Training - Monthly Tax Barrister Training - written instructions such as Procedures and Worksheets - Coaching - External Training Courses - plus ongoing support from the WGC Senior Management Team (WGCSMT).

Levels ie - Core - Technical - Advisory 

The implementation of regular Weekly Training structure in various CPE Levels - is proven essential to enable learning and development in accordance with WGC Team and Member Skillset.

To ensure effective ongoing Training - it is necessary WGCSMT have an understanding of the principal purpose of each CPE Level. 

1                 Core



2            Technical 

3             Advisory


Directed toward WGC Team Members with more experience and a wider knowledge base - the rationale is to foster a learning    environment to further expand upon the existing knowledge foundation - delving further into the more intricate workings of      accounting - tax and associated legislation eg. Case Study/Mini Practice Issue/WTB. 

Aimed at those WGC Team Members with less theoretical and practical experience - the rationale is to address the key topics and/or issues from a broader perspective to allow participants to develop a solid foundation on which to further expand knowledge. eg. CGT/FBT/GST.

Key WGCSMT knowledge share current consulting issues with specific reference to WGC Clients - brain storm regarding highly technical matters and address topical subjects raised from participation at Technical Discussion Groups. eg. Tax Consolidation/International Tax Issues/ATO Reviews.

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